Documentary directed by Anna Barsukova "Voice for the voiceless" received the official status of Finalist Prize "for peace". Social motion picture has been featured…
On the site for KFU students there was a note about watching a movie “Voice for the Voiceless” After watching, students took part in the discussion…
KinoDUEL Film Festival ends in Minsk. Motion picture “Voice for the Voiceless” was awarded a diploma for “The most life-affirming film”. #minsk #kinoduel #voiceforthevoiceless # голосзабезгласных
Film “Voice for the Voiceless” became a finalist of the competition “Movie Magic” (Russia, Odintsovo). Results of the competition will be announced 30 November at the closing ceremony…
As part of preventive measures, dedicated to 1 December (World AIDS Day), The city of Kazan will host screenings of the film “Voice…
Motion picture “Voice for the Voiceless” included in the competition program of the festival “Catharsis” – International Film and Video Festival «Catharsis». Link to source: …
THANK YOU ALL, who voted for our film and took part in its creation! D / F “Voice for the Voiceless” entered the shortlist…
TV channel “First Regional” (Oryol Region) will show the film “Voice for the Voiceless” as part of preventive measures, dedicated to 1 December – World…
As part of the “Russian Festival 2019” film “Voice for the Voiceless” will be shown 22 November in 12:55 by the address: House of the Russian…
EN A wonderfully supportive and innovative festival in Los Angeles (California, USA) – Jelly FEST Film Festival. I am very…